About Shamarie

Metaphysician offering healings for personal growth in person in Adelaide, Australia and online to the rest of the world. Author of Evolve Your Unconscious Mind, the secret to shifting consciousness and changing your world.

Love is a Drunk, Blind, liar!

I guess you are all thinking What The?  How can I say that about love, love is meant to be a nice warm, fuzzy thing.  So let me explain.

Make no mistake love is the most magical and powerful energy on the planet.  Love is something that we all crave, but at the same time many of us are terrified of love.  Many of us don’t trust love that much either.  You see love also appears to have a shadow side.  We have all been subjected to imperfect love, when our loved ones have betrayed us, lied to us and left us feeling like a fool to have believed in love.  Most of us at some time have experienced the downer of no love!

spiritual healing, words of affirmation

Be Gentle, Nurture Yourself

We all come in with the capacity for unconditional love, the kind of love that accepts our parents no matter what.  In fact love is the very first addiction we experience.  We seek out the gentle touch, the soothing words and the gentle caress.  It seems that we have an insatiable desire for love when we are young.  It is very likely that we would die if we did not receive it at all. We do everything possible to get our fix from the adults around us.  For some of us our first love affair last a lifetime. Eventually the addictive quality of the behaviour –  “I have to get love from my parents” tends to wain and become a mature love wherein love gains the capacity to become a process of exchange. Loves powerful addictive nature begins to fade.  It’s not that we no longer want it, but we relax into it knowing it will always be there.  The highs and low mostly mellow into a continuous wave.

Mature love understands that love comes from within and it can never be taken from us.  Once we deeply realise that love is within and doesn’t need to be topped up we can become free of the addictive nature of first love. We come to understand that the exquisite feeling of love is within us all the time we just need to tune in. Most of us have experienced the giddy and legless feeling of falling in love one or more times after our first love – our parents.  But just like the first time addiction eventually gives way to mature love.  If we don’t understand this we will continually seek out the heady first love experience and feel that love has gone when it disappears.

Unfortunately for many of us the shadow of conditional love creeps over us and we find it harder and harder to get our love hit.  In actual fact we can unconsciously believe and act in many ways that negate the feel good “‘cos I am loved feeling” simply because we don’t trust the words of love.  Many times I have heard these sad words from my clients:  “They are only saying that they love me or that I am beautiful they want something from me” or because “love makes them blind to see who I really am or what I really look like”.  Or another good one is; “they only say good things about me because they are my father, mother, spouse etc and that is what they are meant to do”.

So what am I saying here? It is very likely that many of us have standing near us the most awesome love. Yet we don’t trust the words of love or we prefer to believe that love is blind, self-motivated and clearly love cannot see the real truth of us.  When I confront my clients with “so you are saying that your loved one is a liar and most certainly blind?” The response I get is complete surprise.  Their minds do a double take.  The real issue is not that they are lying or blind because they love us.  It is because all of us at some time have felt hurt by love. Our own illusion of the loved one being perfect has come crashing down and we never repaired the damage.  It’s a similar to the process we experience with an addictive substance, the very first time can never be reproduced and the comedown is a real nightmare.

Let me be the first to say that there are certainly people who are good a lying and telling us what we want to hear because they want to use and abuse us.  Our desire for love and acceptance can cause us to look for love in the wrong place. Sadly many have traded their addiction for love for substances of addiction.  Unfortunately these substances and behaviours also bring them pain and despair just as people have.  Erroneously we believe that we have more control over these substitute substances and things than we do over people.

So what are we to do?  Well, what if love never came from outside and our capacity to feel love first came from within us? Consider that the kind and type and depth of love we experience on the outside world has more to do with us than them?  So the questions becomes how much do I actually love myself? How do I express my love?  Do I abandon myself?  Lie to myself?  How much love do I allow myself to feel and how much do I allow myself to respond to love?

Most of us live in the illusionary world that everything is outside of us and that everything outside of us is responsible for making us feel or not.  When we take a pain killer, we expect it to work to have power over us and consequently dull the pain. Have you ever taken a pain killing drug that didn’t work?  I have!  So then you have to dig deep inside and find that place of no pain.  Love is the same there is no magical drug, person, thing or behaviour that is going to make you feel loved.

It is all up to you!

Fortunately if you have forgotten your first love, even before your parents I would love to help you find YOU again.

Living in a World Beyond Antibiotics and Religion Part 2

Living in a World Post Religion – Part 2

It appears to be part of the human condition to seek something greater than ourselves.  Science is driven by the same need to understand how the world works, how it all started.  Granted though science usually, until recent times, has only concerned itself with the nature of the physical world and has left the world of spirit to religion.  This is in part because of an agreement between the Roman Pope and the men of science, particular medical science over a hundred years ago.

It is also true that the vast majority of our world religions are hundreds if not thousands of years old. The fact that they are still around is a testimony to the human need to seek meaning among other things.  All religions have a creation story and first men or women or both.  All religions contain copious amounts of metaphor and stories to explain meaning in the world.  Religion also outlines ways to contact the unseen world of spirit and ultimately god or goddess consciousness itself.

The power of religion is that it has been around thousands of years and therefore it is deeply embedded into the psyche of humanity.  We are therefore influenced by religion whether we have been brought up within a religion or not.  In Australia our laws and society are based on Christian principles.  Some would say that this is a good thing – if it has been around so long then it must be true and of value.  However, consider our society is still controlled, sometimes subtly and other times overtly by laws and concepts that are thousands of years old  when society and human endeavour was completely different.  Any thinking person would then have to ask is our current religion still valid?

Now I am not throwing the baby out with the bathwater here, what I am saying is; is it time to rethink the religious concepts that govern us?  It is religion that first created the domination of women and the environment so perhaps it is time that we look at the nitty gritty  consequences of religious dogma.   You may be temped to say that if you didn’t personally go to church you were not taught these things or that the “church” doesn’t uphold gender discrimination anymore.  Well that maybe so, but have we actually eradicated these practices in our society?  Have we changed our religious doctrine to reflect a new position? Do we still condone and allow religious practices that demean and devalue women.

I am often asked what is the difference between spiritualism and religion.  For me the difference is that religion is a formalized way of spiritualism and spiritualism tries to be free of such dogma.  The problem is spiritualism is usually a rework and re-labelling of religious concepts and beliefs.  For example in Christianity there is a desire to be more “god-like” to be a vessel for God on earth, this all revolves around being acceptable and doing the right thing according to how we believe God likes it.  The reward is to get into heaven.

New age personal development or spiritualism is a re-work of this.  When I heal my wounds, think the right things, do the right things I will get what I want at the very least and ultimately live in a place of pure positivism where everything is wonderful and everything goes my way (heaven in religious terms).

So the question becomes what would life be without the archetypal dogma of religion? What would our reality change to?  At the moment that is an overwhelming question that makes most people quiver and then go back to sleep.  It is like asking what is the sound of one hand clapping?

The question of how to deal with antibiotic resistant bugs is a big issue. One we must all take personal action and responsibility for it to change.  What is acceptable reality and meaning is similar but on a much bigger scale. Now, in the past for the average person who wasn’t a monk or someone who lived a monastic life you would never contemplate this question let alone have the time to sit to figure it out.  This is another problem with religion it is mostly aimed at a engaged religious life with very little other pursuits.  Most of us including myself don’t have time to sit on a mountain top. I realized this over 16 years ago when I started developing the processes that I use for myself and with my clients. Like everyone else I had bills to pay and in my case three sons to raise.

The processes that I have developed allow for individualize change and yet move individuals to a place of peace and love that comes from the inside.  The Biosenetics process enables everyone to put in a little effort and get big results whilst still living a “normal” life.

I sincerely believe that it is time for a huge upgrade in our foundational beliefs about ourselves and the nature of divinity.  We need to re-evaluate reality and meaning. Otherwise we are going to keep doing what we have been doing and at the moment that is not looking so promising.   It is not enough to change the way we think at the conscious level.  Change must come from our deeper unconscious collective psyche.  We all have a personal stake in this and a personal responsibility.

If you are wondering if I have a process for this, of course I do, already many clients are embarking on religious/spiritual change as am I.  The more of us who embody change which enables us to embody divinity in another way that is life giving for all, the sooner we may actually change the world.

If you are ready to change the foundational truth of your existence then check out my book – Evolve Your Unconscious Mind, the Secret to Shifting Consciousness. You will discover the foundational archetypal truths that keep us stuck in our current state of consciousness.


Living in a World Beyond Antibiotics and Religion

I am sure that you wondering about the meaning of the the title of this blog – Living in a World Beyond Antibiotics and Religion.  You are also probably curious to know why I have linked the two together.  So let me briefly explain the correlations.  Antibiotics have been one of the underpinning concepts and drugs of modern medicine.  When penicillin was discovered it was based upon a particular theory about our cells and how to treat them when they become infected with bacteria.  Infection control has been one of the biggest discoveries in modern times.  We have been living in a golden era of infection control since 1930.  Antibiotics have been seen by many as the cure all saviour, however the power of the savior is fading and becoming compromised by antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria.  I will discuss more about life after antibiotics below.

However,  if you are still wondering about the correlation between antibiotics and religion let me give you a few more clues.  Religion informs you how to save your soul and antibiotics are what you resort to, to save your physical life.  Just as the power, influence and effectiveness of antibiotics is waning, it is also true for our established Christian religion.  The questions I pose in my article below is it time for finding new ways to save one’s soul?  This of course is a very touchy subject for many people, countless wars have been fought on the basis of religion and a plethora of ideologies have been created on the basis who is right and who is not about the life and times of Jesus.

It is not my intention to offend anyone but only to explore the possibilities of away of moving forward. Perhaps in my own small way offering different ways of exploring and interrelating with what we call the divine which is within each and every one of use.

In the end it doesn’t matter where you find dogma be it scientific or religious. Dogma becomes a sacred cow and whilst it is useful for awhile in the end it causes limitations and other unintended side effects.

Living in a Post Antibiotic World – Pt 1

At the moment many medical experts are warning that “Superbugs could erase a century of medical advances”.  The fear is that these superbugs represent one of the gravest threats in the history of medicine.  Essentially without antibiotics we will not be able to manage life threatening infections, many will survive their surgery or accident only to die later from baterial infections.

A new class of antibiotics has not been developed since 1987 and since that time our bugs have been evolving.  Medicine is now having to turn on it’s head in that once it’s strength was that for every ill there was a pill now this is no longer the case.  In actual fact this practice has caused superbugs.    Unfortunately antibiotics are not just been used excessively for human ills they are also extensively used in vast quantities in agriculture, fisheries and by vets.  Our environment is now flooded with antibiotics the same as oestrogens.  We are all passively exposed to antibiotics in the food we eat,  the air we breath and the water we drink.

As Professor Otto Cars of Uppsala University in Sweden has said “antibiotic resistance is a complex ecological problem which doesn’t just effect people, but is also intimately connected with agriculture and the environment.

So what action can we as individuals take?  Understand that the concept of a pill for every ill is not valid.  Take steps to keep ourselves health by doing our best to get adequate rest, eat nutritious foods and drink clean water.  In Australia most of these things are possible for most people.  When we actually need antibiotics take then as prescribed.  Coupled with this also take a herbal AntibioBotanical. There is research that indicates that Pharmaceutical antibiotics kill most but not all bacteria leaving a small amount antibiotic resistant the herbal antibiobotanical that I can prescribe supports full elimination of bacteria and fungi.  Couple with this try to treat infections before they become full blown and leave antibiotics your only option.  The same Antibiobotanical is a good first option for minor infections.

If you would like more information about the AntibioBotanical please let me know as it seems a sensible inclusion into your medicine chest.

For the world to change it requires each and everyone of us to take personal responsibility for the change.  We cannot leave it up to big brother, the politicians or the doctors or even to a higher power. Which leads nicely into my next topic – Living in a World Beyond Religion

Jump into your inner-self with a Self-Box

Breaking Old Habits and Starting Fresh Workshop

Monday January 27th, 2014 @ Blackwood

$90.00 per person

RSVP by: January 20th

It’s a new year, start  fresh, give yourself the best chance of being who your really are and achieving what you really want.  As the venue is at my wonderful healing space at Blackwood spaces will be limited.

To make a Self-Box you take a simple box with a lid, it can be any box a shoe box or something bigger or smaller. The box you choose is part of the process. Then you decorate the edges of the box inside and out. Each edge represents a different part of your consciousness. There are no right or wrong ways to decorate your box, it is completely up to you. The main thing to remember is that it is an intuitive and interactive process between you and your inner-self. Some would say that it is a meditative process. Your box can be decorated with paper, feathers, glitter, pictures, paint whatever takes your fancy. It is a simply and fun process but at the same time profoundly moving.

I still have the Self-Box I made during my Art Therapy training, it is a very personal keepsake that is a precious record of where I was at, at the time. I discovered a lot about myself whilst making my Self-Box as will you no matter your creative talent or perceived lack thereof.

Take the Leap and Jump into a new year and a new you!


What does 2014 have in store?

Happy New Year to you!  In this newsletter you will find my annual insight into the emotional influences behind the coming year.  For those of you who are new to my newsletter list and have not read one of these before, here is a little bit of background.  To arrive at the numerological and colour influences I am using the Aura-Soma equilibrium bottles as my basis. I find the equilibrium bottles very accurate in terms of soul evolution, I have been using them with my clients for many years.

The Soul Essence of 2014

New Year’s Eve has been and gone and it was an especially potent New Year’s Eve as it was also a new moon.  This is the time of the year when we traditionally make New Year resolutions and set our intention and goals for 2014.  Now as we move into 2014 many have had to face the disappointment that 2012 was not the change they expected and hoped for.  2012 with its sum of 5 meant that we were faced with many of our underlying emotional issues that needed to be resolved and healed.  2014 is going to give us another major hit of this energy with the added influence of the energy of the test of faith.  Many are already starting to feel this energy as they experience the feelings of; why bother, nothing works anyway, resulting in a complete loss of faith and spiritual spark.  So Let’s see what 2014 has in store for us emotionally and spiritually.

bottle 20Even though I have discussed Bottle 20 before as it is the backdrop of our current century , let’s do a recap for the New Year. The Aura-Soma bottle 20 is Blue over Pink, this bottle is called the Star Child/Child Rescue. Its primary impetus is the communication of unconditional love, which of course can only be extended out to others when we have first reached that state within ourselves.  Bottle 20 helps us find the child within, and heal that child.  Our child self is very important as it is the foundation of our current life ego and our ego is the child of our spiritual self.  There is so much emphasis in our society on mental health but it would be better called emotional health as it is our emotions that rule us when we are out of balance.   Emotional maturity is not reached by suppression of our emotions but mastery of them and in so doing becoming independent of the opinions and approvals of others. With emotional maturity comes awareness and responsibility. There are many different levels of mental intellect which means we often cannot relate to someone intellectually, however through our emotion and feelings we have equal capacity to relate with everyone.

Bottle 220 can be broken down to 2, which is Bottle 2 blue over blue – peace on every level. The only way I know to create peace on planet earth is for each and every one of us to find peace within ourselves.  We all need to find the love an acceptance that comes from within.  Unfortunately we are taught from the time we leave the womb that we must seek love outside of ourselves. When we cannot find a satisfactory source many turn to drugs, prescribed or “recreational”, alcohol or the endless pursuit of things and people to make us happy.   For our hopes and dreams of a new world of peace to manifest we must manifest peace from within first.  We need to stop acting like emotional children waiting for the parent or another authority to make it alright for us.

Bottle 2 also embodies the energy of our struggle with authority.  Our first authorities were our parents.  If you have problems with authority, your unconscious mind will reproduce this experience in many different areas of your life.  We cannot have peace whilst we are still struggling with corrupt authorities or uncaring institutions. The secret is to understand that we cannot change them from the outside; we must change them from within each and every one of us.  Peace on every level means within all the layers of our mind, body and soul.  Bottle 2 challenges us to become our own inner authority, which does not mean that we never listen to others or that we believe that we know everything.  Our inner authority is primarily for us and us alone, it should not be used to enslave others to our ways. A balanced inner authority naturally acknowledges and respects the inner authority of others.  An inner authority that suggests or demands dominion over others is corrupt. It is an honour and a privilege to have others listen to your inner wisdom and guidance not a right bestowed by virtue of social role, gender or age.

Bottle16The final influence hidden within Bottle 20 is Bottle 16 violet over violet.  Violet is obtained when you shake Bottle 20 and the pink and blue mix together producing violet.  Violet has always been associated with positions of power and authority traditionally because the colour was expensive to produce.  Bottle 16 is called the violet robe because it can hide a multitude of “sins”, alluding to the fact that those in power and authority are not necessarily always those who act from a balanced position.  A position of authority can become a vehicle of self service rather than service to the greater community as well as oneself.  In order for each individual to awaken to their own authority they must find their true self, which is beyond the emotional wounding they carry.  The energy information to completely review who you are and what is right for you are contained in violet over violet.   Violet is also the balance between heaven and earth and all should be very mindful of giving up worldly authority to only take on another authority in the form of spiritual guides etc.  In the end you must be your own authority, everything and everyone else is just information upon which to base your own choices.  With personal choice comes responsibility and accountability.  16 adds to 7 which is the sum total of 2014 so I will discuss bottle 7 further on.

bottle21The frequency of bottle 20, 2, 16/7 are the obvious everyday usage backbone of the 21st century.  So the frequency of 21 is kind of hidden.  So let’s have a look at the hidden energy of bottle 21 also.  Bottle 21 is green over pink and the bottle contains the energy needed to create a new space and a new direction coming from a place of love.  The challenges of bottle 21 are being resistant to change and being caught up in one’s own pride a vanity.  As a whole our society is enamoured with our technological advances and our collective pride in our ‘man-made’ structures and we are often unwilling to see the cost of these advances.  Very little of our human action and communication comes from a place of true love of Self let along another.  Coming from a place of love does not exclude anyone or anything whether it is natural or man-made.

 aura-soma bottle3Bottle 21 adds to 3.  Bottle 3 is blue over green.  In bottle 21 the green is in the top fraction.  Any colour in the top fraction is more focused on the conscious self or the ego.  The same colour in the lower fraction has the same essence except it is aimed at the unconscious self.  These two bottles combined together are calling us to create a space of love and new beginnings not only in our outer reality but also in our inner reality.  Bottle 3 is called the Atlantean heart bottle.  This bottle sums up the spiritual tasks of our current age.  Clean up our wounds from our mythical past – Atlantis.  Atlantis was a place of great intellectual advances but emotional immaturity caused us to lose connection with our environment and each other.  We must understand that it is not enough to connect intellectually and technologically we must also connect emotionally.  It is through our emotional connection that we truly understand the effect we have on others and our environment.

We are about to step into our 15th year of the 21st Century, you will need to judge for yourselves how well we are doing so far with the energies of 20 and 21.

bottle14Okay so let’s look at the new energy that 14 brings into the mix.  Bottle 14 is clear over gold and contains the energies required to find wisdom in a New Age.  For me this means there needs to be an evolvement of the Egoic Self, the part of us that says I am this and that and that I know who I am.  In order for us to move into a New Age it will be necessary for us to let go of the concepts that we have of ourselves in the current age.  Once again it is our scars and wounds that cause us to identify with certain life circumstances and particular truths about ourselves and the world that we live in.

In order for our society to change we must change – our wisdom must change.  Our ego likes to think it knows what truth is, but until we can examine what we accept and hold dear to us as truth we will not change.  Much of our truth at the moment is what I call intellectual truth which arises from the yellow solar plexus.  It usually does not take in the whole picture, for example you may believe it to be true that modern medicine is that way of the future and therefore disregard any other forms of healing.  This part of us is very herd like in its thinking; it usually adopts the collective pervading truth.  The gold of bottle 14 is more than solar plexus truth, it is wisdom.  Wisdom is the application of truth from a broader perspective.  Wisdom would say that all forms of healing have value depending on the person and the circumstances.  There are two reasons why we generally cling to a particular truth – our emotional investment and two mental laziness; we just accept what other tell us without any personal thought and mental exploration. I don’t remember who said this but it is a quote that goes something like this– “there is no such thing as ultimate truth.  So choose your truths carefully and if they do not serve you ditch them for ones that do”

During 2014 we will be called to examine our own personal and collective truth.  Not only what we consider to be true about the outer world but also the truth about ourselves.  It is no longer good enough to accept handed down truth; we must examine and come to our own conclusions.  Changing our truth can be a life changing experience.  Changing our truth is also a very spiritual experience.  Many years ago I had an experience that changed how the child within me saw herself.  I was learning hypnosis at the time and the words of one of the scripts was “the truth is, there is nothing wrong with you, there never was”  I instantly brought myself out of trance and said to the trainer “well then you had better tell my mother that”

Bottle5Bottle 14 adds to 5, Bottle 5 is yellow over red and it is called the Sunset and Sunrise bottle.  Bottle 5 is a very complex bottle on which I could write pages as 5 is one of my major life influences.  In a nutshell bottle 5 concerns sorting out your emotional wounds, letting the sun go down on them and the sun can come up on a new day with greater clarity and wisdom.  The other challenge of bottle 5 is to use your energies wisely.  In other words, just because you can, doesn’t mean that you necessarily should.   Bottle 5 gives you the energy to overcome difficult past situations and move on, to synthesize new wisdom that has been born out of the half truths and pain of the past.  The energies of bottle 5 help you develop emotional “muscle” and maturity.

Aura-Soma bottle 7When you add up 2014 you get Bottle 7 yellow over green.  This bottle is called the Garden of Gethsemene and its primary essence is the test of faith.  Can you let go and trust the process of life?  Bottle 7 asks you – can you make wise decisions about your life? Can you find your purposeful direction? and mostly do you have faith in yourself?  In order to make appropriate decision we must learn from the decisions that we have already made.  If we do not, we will keep making the same mistakes over and over.  To learn from our mistakes and make different decision requires that we change the source energies that caused us to make the original decisions.

Many spiritually minded individuals have been working on themselves, healing their wounds, taking action, changing their thinking and beliefs.  Unfortunately on many occasion the results have often been uninspiring.  Many have felt disenchanted with the whole self development process as it has often left them feeling as though they are still stuck in the energy of powerlessness.

Over the last 20 years I have experience many different forms of personal development and observed the effects on myself and others.  Most systems tend to target a particular aspect of consciousness and leave other aspects untouched.  The primary motivation and basis of all of these systems is that we are the creator of our life circumstances.  This axiom seems to be true for a few and totally not true for the majority.  I personally do not understand why this is so, but I do know that it is not necessarily to do with the individual healing system or the practitioner.  One reason could be that whilst we are seeking to be the one and only power in exclusion to the process and flow of life we are missing an essential wisdom.   Are we so caught up in ‘I am the source of all creation in my life’ that we don’t see what else is going on? Therefore we can become caught up in an endless cycle of self-examination and often self-recrimination? The scary part is of course, if we are not the source of our own creation then we are powerless after all.  The next question is “if we are not the creator of our own lives, then who or what the hell is?”  I am sure that most of you know the most enduring standard answer to this question.  But is this just an old truth that no longer serves us. In some ways it is a belief in a higher power that is bigger and stronger than us that allow the type of institutions that we currently have in our society.  It is this same believe that also causes us to take no action ourselves, preferring to leave it to someone else to fix.

Those who have been disenfranchised, depowered, demeaned and demoralized have sort to find personal power so that they never have to experience these feelings again. In fact it is those who have suffered the most who tend to walk the personal development or spiritual path.  Individual personal power seems like a nice way to take charge of what previously seemed so out of our control.

Perhaps part of the answer for 2014 is yes you are a powerful creator, but you are a co-creator that participates with many other co-creators and that individual power is bound up in collective power.  Humanity has been through some developmental steps; symbiosis, dependency, co-dependency and independence.  It is now time to take the next step which is inter-dependence.

It is likely that many will find their personal power in 2014 only to lose it again as it will not be as they thought it would be.  Some are already experiencing this and are quietly rocking in the corner because they do not know what else to so. This experience will cause a crisis in faith and a loss of motivation and joy for life as it is likely to require you to give up all that you thought to be true. Therefore, when you hit this spot it is time to examine what you consider to be true and decide whether it still serves you?  Or to put it another way – a Buddhist saying is; that when you get to the other side of the river you need to let go of the boat that got your there.

2014 is going to be an interesting year. So as you strive to make and uphold your New Year’s goals and intentions for 2014 consider; are you doing what you have always done and is it working?  But mostly are your resolutions, goals and intentions coming from a place of love.

Join my newsletter list today and receive a free Mandala image to help you tune into and move through 2014

If you are ready to change the foundational truth of your existence then check out my book – Evolve Your Unconscious Mind, the Secret to Shifting Consciousness. You will discover the foundational archetypal truths that keep us stuck in our current state of consciousness.


The Soul of July 2013

As I sit and write I am listening to the rain on my iron roof as I gaze out the window into the beautiful white misty fog.  It is certainly a winter day today in the Adelaide hills.  Since the Winter Solstice last month we are now moving into a more expanding cycle as the days become longer once more.

The numbers for July 2013 are 7 plus 20/2 plus 13/4 added together we get a total of 13/4.   The intensity of bottle 6 red over red from last month has gone.  I saw many people have complete mental or emotional melt downs last month as they hit a wall of stuckness and frustration.  This month is going to be a little more gentle, but no less challenging.

Bottle 7Bottle 7 yellow over green is called the Garden of Gethsemene.  This bottle is a challenging combination because it is a test of faith.  Not a test of faith in a god or goddess but a test of faith in yourself and how much trust you can put in the process of life.  It has been my experience that those who have this number in their birth numbers are always testing themselves.  Once they have passed one experience they will create even greater challenges to see if they can endure and pass the next one.  These individuals indeed make life hard for themselves and put themselves through challenges that were not strictly necessary.  The message for July is perhaps to allow life to unfold naturally and organically.  There is no need for us to add embellishments or keep moving the goal posts.  Have faith and trust in yourself that no matter what life brings your way you will be okay, you will prevail even if the experience is unpleasant.  Be cautious of unnecessary tests and challenges that you or others set for you.  All in life is not necessarily learning in the way we think.  Sometimes some things keep happening because we have to learn something from the process, sometimes the lesson is just to say “I don’t need to keep doing this challenge over and over”.  There is no longer anything to be learnt except to say no.  It is only our deep internal wisdom that will actually know which action is required.

So last month there was lots of kicking and screaming I don’t want to do this.  During July take a step back, be still and try to ascertain what is really going on.  Allow yourself to connect with and see the bigger picture and your role in it.

bottle4Bottle 4 yellow over gold is called the Sun Bottle.  Bottle 4 played a role last month also as it will every month this year because of the 13/4 in 2013.  What is significant this month is that 13/4 is a double influence this month, once from the year and once for the total.  Like bottle 7 it has yellow in the top fraction so you will be called to face your fears and allow them to be transformed into joy.  So look to your deepest fears, check out what is really going on, learn from the experience and turn the experience into the gold of wisdom.

Within Australia and also in the USA at the moment there seems to be a political and legislative backlash against women and feminine rights.  Unless we really look at what is going on and take action rather than re-act we may find ourselves back in a period very similar to the time before feminine awakening.  As a consequence having to do the same things over again.  Perhaps we all collectively need to look at where we are at the moment and make the necessary changes fearlessly and courageously.  Sometimes the change required is to get out of our own inertia and indifference and say NO.  Let go of the fear of the process of change, but at the same time making sure that the change is not a backward step.

It really is up to each and every one of us whether the sun gets to shine equally on everyone or not.  The pursuit of the false sun in the form of gold and power over others is the challenge for us all to tackle individually and collectively.

Have an enlightening month every one, let your sun be the gold of your personal wisdom.  If your sun is less than bright at the moment perhaps it is time to remove some of the emotional clouds.

The Soul of June 2013

June the first month of winter; the days are becoming longer, colder and darker.  Winter is often a time of curling up and staying inside both physically and spiritually.  Consequently winter can be a time of introversion, a time for planning for future action when spring returns.  So let see what’s in store this June.

The numbers for June 2013 are 6 plus 20/2 plus 13/4 added together we get 12/3.  This Month is going to be interesting for many.  You may recall from the Soul of May 2013 I discussed how many were waking up and realising that their relationships were less than fulfilling and in some cases quite abusive.  June takes you even further along the journey of deciding whether to say or not.

bottle6June of course is Aura-Soma bottle 6, red over red.  Red is the colour of physical vitality, the capacity to get up and go.  It is red that gives us the energy to bring about change, take action.  However, in Aura-Soma red is a combination of yellow and orange.  Orange helps us to bring ourselves together emotionally, follow our passion and experience emotional satisfaction from our physical efforts.  Yellow is the colour of joy, the Ah Ha of life’s spiritual awareness.  The opposite traits are inaction, feeling stuck, unable to move, riveted to the spot by fear and certainly no passion or love for what it is that you do.  Unfortunately the shorter and darker days and colder weather tend to bring out the negatives of red.  Ever since May’s full moon feeling stuck, unable to move is what I have noticed from many clients, even before we moved into the calendar month of June.

Whilst we all experience our personal trials of feeling stuck and unable to move on.  I feel that collectively many have reached the point of feeling disappointed that the much longed for and promised changes of 2013 have not materialized.  There is often a part in all of us that really doesn’t want to make the effort, do the work required to bring about change. Sometimes because we don’t believe we can.  We would rather someone else do it for us.  This is the emotionally immature child within which brings us to Bottle 3

Aura-Soma Bottle 3 energy healer australiaBottle 3 blue over green.  For those of you who have read my previous blogs you will know that one the challenge of bottle 3 is emotional maturity and the other challenge is finding your own space or being the master of your own space.  It is a sad but true fact that most individuals no matter their chronological age, their emotional age is around two.  In order to step out and bring about change in ourselves or in our lives we often need to stand alone, others do not always support our decisions.  We need to understand that we are no longer the small child dependent upon nurturance from our parents.  We have to have the courage of our convictions and fly the nest emotionally.  Whether you use the energy of red to propel you forward or remain stuck in inaction is up to you.

bottle4The other major influence in June is bottle 4 yellow over red.  In this bottle the yellow contained within the red is no longer hidden it is obvious for all to see.   When we face our hidden fears, the sun can finally return – Fear is transformed into joy.  The red in the bottom fraction of this bottle is the impulse and resources that we need to change our physical world to one that is pleasing to us.  When we are truly happy, then those around us also bask in our glory.

June is going to be an interesting month! It will be turning point for many and the sun will certainly return for these individuals. They will finally bask in the warmth of the new life situations they create and enjoy.  For others it will be more of feeling stuck and unable to move.  What are you going to choose?

As always when you are ready for help to move through your emotional blockages and step back into your own golden sun I am here to help.


The Soul of May 2013

I missed April due to my hard drive crashing and consequently having to rebuild my computer.  Fortunately I recovered most of my data.  Even though during April it was my computer that was behaving badly, I noticed many clients becoming aware of the bad behaviour of their partners.  It was a time when many started having a cold hard look at the types of relationships they were engaged  in.   For us to be abused by a partner, a parent, a sibling or an authority figure we usually have the mental, emotional and spiritual patterns within us that facilitate this situation.  This does not mean that it is therefore entirely your fault.  It takes two to tango!

Those who are abused often blame themselves – if only I could please them more, or do it better.  Sadly, those who are abused often do not know how to stand up for themselves or even consider that their experience is unhealthy.  The reason I am doing a re-hash of April is because May can be a time for not only licking your wounds but also a time of great healing.  It is one thing to know that you have been abused it is another thing entirely to take responsibility for healing.  It is another thing again to take the steps to heal and change yourself to be free.  If you do not, you will remain a victim.

The numbers for May 2013 are 5 + 20 + 13 = 11/2bottle4

I am not going to go into the Aura-Soma bottles 20 or 13, if you want to recap their influence check out my previous blog The Soul Essence of 2013. Instead let’s take an in depth look at the energy of bottle 5, yellow over red.  When I take in a new client that has a 5 in their birth numbers I carefully explain to them that it is highly likely that in their early years or in their past lives they have been abused quite significantly.  This abuse causes these individual to become hyper-vigilant, always looking for the next possible threat, it is very hard for them to relax completely.  These individuals also tend to be very sensitive, because they are constantly vigilant to the slightest changes in their environment that may indicate a threat. 

The challenge of a five and therefore of May is to heal your wounds once you have recognise that you have indeed been abused.  Healing of your wounds cannot be done by taking drugs or just intellectually working through the issues.  Deep healing must take place emotionally, spiritually and physically.  This is particularly challenging for fives as they are like skittish rabbits, always wanting to run away.  Once your wounds are healed you can enter a state of relaxation and perhaps even step into a place of emotional bliss.  This is the promise of Bottle 5 to resolve the red anger in the bottom fraction and the yellow fear of the top fraction.  When you shake this bottle you obtain orange, the colour of emotional strength and protection.

Aura-Soma Bottle 11Bottle 11, clear over pale pink.  This looks such a beautiful bottle and it is.  It can be an expression of love and clarity.  The shadow side of this bottle is enormous sensitivity, even more than bottle 5.  This bottle does not necessarily speak of abuse but an experience that was so overwhelming that the soul completely shut down so that they could no longer feel.  Of course this was a survival mechanism and obviously overwhelm can come from many sources not just abuse.  The fear of an eleven is that they may never have the courage to feel again.  But feel they must if they are to become whole once more.  It is our emotions and our feelings that give us pleasure and allow us to engage in life with wonder and enthusiasm.  When we become devoid of feeling life seems to have no appeal no colour.  We can become digital, much like a computer.

Peace on Every LevelBottle 2, the product of bottle 11.  I have discussed bottle 2 at length in previous months, notable February.  However, I just want to add that in context with May, this is our opportunity to heal our wounds in particular from those who have been in positions of authority for us.  Of course the first experience of authority if with our parents.  Bottle 2 encourages you to look at your early childhood experiences.  Most parents do their best given the resources they have available, however many children grow up feeling that they were short changed.  Unfortunately many children are abused and go onto create relationships that matched their early years.

What I want you to understand is that whether your past defines you or becomes the grist for personal development is entirely up to you.  Take the time this month to heal, allow yourself to become stronger.  It is up to you whether life keeps throwing salt into your wounds.  However, becoming insensitive and unfeeling does not constitute healing.  Healing allows you to open and blossom and use all of your resources to their best advantage not only for yourself but also for others.

If you feel that it is time to let go of the past and become all that you can be, please give me a call and I will help you and show you how.  It is always much easier to heal when you are in the presence of another who can support you throughout your journey.

No March Madness Here, Stay Chilled!

Welcome to Shamarie’s March Newsletter

Lately I have been getting so many newsletters entitled March Madness I decided to investigate were this phrase was coming from.  Apparently it refers to a basketball game.  It astounds me how easily we slip into Americanism.

February was a busy month, clients were true to form with my prediction for February  as outlined  in my blog post,  The Soul Essence of February.  Though I must admit it took until half way through the month to figure out what was actually going on.  March is going to be interesting, it’s primary number is 9 the main focus is not wanting to listen!  Haven’t had a chance to tune in yet so you can check it out later on my blog.  Coupled with 9 we have mercury in retrograde.  So watch out for some mix ups in communications.

I have included a damming report about the cancer industry coming from the UK.  Well worth the read as breast cancer is every present in the public eye. Many individuals and organization heavily support charities that support scientific research research into breast cancer.

How do You know if you are insane?
shamarie energy healer australia keeps you changingMost of us feel comfortable and secure when we can count on the consistency and reliability of people, transport systems and other social structures.  Predictability means that we don’t need to worry about a particular thing or person.  In many ways we rely upon reliability.The ability to keep getting the same results from the same behaviour is a very useful skill.  It means that you can follow in another’s footsteps and obtain roughly the same results.  All big business franchises rely upon teaching their individual franchisees the steps so that they can get the same results as the parent company.  All scientific research is validated when it can be reproduced by another scientist.However, habitual repartition can cause us to become stuck in our ways.  Have you every tried to change your golf swing?  Most people are not only habitualized in their physical behaviour but also in their thinking and emotional patterns.  When you hear yourself say “this always happens to me” or something similar,  you know you are stuck in a habit of some kind.  So it doesn’t matter how many times you do the same thing you are always going to get the same result.  Even though you may not want that result.

You will be surprised at the number of people who are continually frustrated as to “why this keeps happening”. If you want to change your outcomes you need to change the process and inner reality that is YOU.  Otherwise you will get the same result over and over.  The players and setting my change but the outcome will be the same.

The definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome!

The trick is to continually evolve your mind so that you can transform your world.  The good thing is that change keeps you health and sane!

Oncologists Conceal Toxicity Issues and Bias 

This research was taken from the work of Daniel Webber, Panaxea
Breast Cancer Research Bias shamarie energy healer australiaConventional cancer treatments aren’t working for women with breast cancer. Women are falling into a cancer industry machine only to be spit out at the other end, permanently damaged and still with no reasonable assurance of long-term survival. Lord Maurice Saatchi is calling for the law relating to cancer treatment to be changed in England. He describes the current law as a “barrier to progress in curing cancer” and says doctors are deterred from trying new forms of treatment in case they are sued. 

He said on public television, “The current treatments for women are medieval, degrading and ineffective. Women think of the worst part of treatment as hair loss but this is the good news. The less good news is the effect of the drugs—nausea, vomiting, fatigue—but this is still the good news. The really bad news is that the effects of the drugs on the immune system of women allow fatal infections to enter the body. Women are then as likely to die from the infection as from the cancer.”

There are laws that make it impossible for oncologists to go outside the established norms in treating cancer of any kind. In fact, punishment is severe and could mean lawsuits as well as the permanent loss of a job and/or license. Any deviation by doctors from what is standard procedure is likely to lead to being found guilty for medical negligence. This has led to the brutal treatment of women at the hands of predominantly male-oriented oncologists and radiologists.

When Lord Saatchi remarked about medieval methods he was not choosing his words lightly. In those days Christian torturers used to routinely target the breasts of women, often ripping them right off their chests. Surgeons at least use a knife and anesthetics but some women have their breasts removed for preventive reasons, so desperate are they to avoid breast cancer and the brutal treatments waiting for them.[1]

Dishonest Oncology
Orthodox oncology is not honest with itself so it is very difficult to believe or put faith in what oncologists say about breast cancer (or any cancer for that matter) because the results of drug trials to justify their treatments are regularly spun to conceal bias and make the drugs seem more effective or less toxic than they really are.

According to a study, “Bias in reporting of end points of efficacy and toxicity in randomized, clinical trials for women with breast cancer,” published in January 2013 in Annals of Oncology, researchers from the University of Toronto found that in 164 randomized Phase III clinical trials that a third were reported positively despite not meeting the primary objective, by emphasizing other, less important outcomes. “These reports were biased and used spin in attempts to conceal that bias,” the authors wrote. Some studies even changed the primary objective halfway through, possibly because early results suggested the trial would otherwise fail.[2]

The researchers also found evidence of bias in the reporting of toxic side effects of drugs used in two-thirds of the trials. In these cases, high toxicity findings were omitted from the abstracts and conclusions, and instead buried in the “small print” of the article. Medical scientists have been caught painting an overly rosy picture of their drugs for their own ends, which means for the end dictated by the companies that pay their bills.

In short, much of oncology is based on research fraud. In a study published in Nature in March 2012, researchers tried to replicate the results of 53 basic preclinical cancer studies. Of those 53 studies, only six were replicable. In his new book, Bad Pharma, Dr. Goldacre sounds a warning bell on the fact that drug manufacturers are the ones who fund trials of their own products. One of the most widely recognized and true tests of scientific proof is when these studies showing positive results can be and are replicated by independent researchers—not researchers chosen or paid by the drug manufacturer providing the original finding.

“Drugs are tested by the people who manufacture them in poorly designed trials, on hopelessly small numbers of weird, unrepresentative patients, and analyzed using techniques that are flawed by design, in such a way that they exaggerate the benefits of treatments,” writes Goldacre in his book. “When trials throw up results that companies don’t like, they are perfectly entitled to hide them from doctors and patients, so we only ever see a distorted picture of any drug’s true effects.”

Breast Self Examination
New product that allows for accurate and easy examination
shamarie energy healerShortly, you will see a new page on my website called Products.  This page will have links to Products you can source on your own.  This page will include products that I either endorse and/or personally use.  I came across a company called Plexus that produces these little satchels of fluid that you can place over your breast when you self examine.  They are so sensitive that they will pick up a grain of salt underneath them.  This company also sells a breast detoxification cream and some weight loss products.  I am specifically sending you to this resource for the self examination satchels and the breast cream.The link will be for Plexus Worldwide and it should be on my page within the next week.

The Soul Essence of March 2013

We are only 7 days into March and I am hearing from clients “I am Stuck!” so what is it about March that is bringing to the fore the feeling of being stuck? The numbers for March 2013 are 3 plus 20 plus 13 which give a total of 9.  The interesting thing about nine is despite the fact that I am not a nine, many of my birth family have nine in their birth numbers and probably 95% of my clients also.

The essence of nine is feeling stuck and not really knowing why or how to get past being stuck.  Nines tend to have issues with authority.  A favourite stance of a Nine is “it’s may way or the highway”.  This doesn’t mean that they are necessarily rebels, but unless what you are saying to them suits their world view or they have a lot of respect for you they will tune out.  Last month was very much looking at authority in the world and connecting with your own inner authority.  This month brings to the fore the consequences of deciding not to listen no matter what.

The reasons those with nine energy have come to this position is of course varied, however there is a really good archetypal story from the bible that kind of explains how the soul concerned came to their present state.  It is the story of Jobe.  Jobe was a wealthy merchant.  Jobe had many wives, children and all the trappings of success.  One day for no apparent reason it all went pear shaped and he lost everything.  Jobe cried out to god, why have you done this to me I have been your loyal and righteous servant.  God’s reply was the pot cannot tell the potter what to do.  Now as you can imagine this kind of upset Jobe because he was trying to do everything right and yet everything still went wrong.  My understanding of Nine’s is that they have somewhere in their past been like Jobe, the model citizen doing everything that was asked of them, doing everything right and it all went pear shaped.   As a consequence they turned their back on authority and decided to go their own way.  Whilst in the particular lifetime it may have been a spiritual or outer authority that aggrieved them in practical terms it means that they turned their back on their own inner spiritual authority as well.

Once we turn our back on our own inner authority and decide that it is my way or the highway we become stuck.  It is through our inner authority that we receive guidance and access to our past wisdom.  As I said last month in The Soul Essence of February authority does not have to be obeyed.  It is still an individual’s right to choose freely to listen and be guided or not.  Just as always listening to others can get us into trouble, obviously so can never listening to others.  But the core theme here is whatever we do, we must be responsible for our actions irrespective of who directed us.

Aura-soma Bottle 9 Bottle 9 turquoise over green. Bottle 9 is called the Crystal Heart within the Heart. Its primary focus is transcendence of the heart.  Having a heart that is capable of expressing more than your own petty individual loves and concerns.  This bottle is also linked with Atlantean times.   Nines often pride themselves on having found the way or doing the right thing.  History regarding Atlantis  tells us how deluded they really were in their “rightness”.   Bottle 9 encourages us to finding our way through the mire of jealousy and envy that cause us to want the possessions or experiences that another has.  Perhaps even feeling it is unjust that they have and you do not.  Guilt can also creep in here in terms of you having anything at all. Which gets us back to what I was saying above, we cannot blame another for what we do or have, in the end there is no universal right only tendencies and what is right for you may not be right for another.  If there is no right or wrong there cannot be guilt and therefore there cannot be punishment only consequences.

Aura-Soma Bottle 3 energy healer australiaThe other number in March is of course 3.  Bottle 3, blue over green is very similar to Bottle 9 except there is less yellow in the top fraction.  Bottle 3 is called the Atlantean Bottle.  People with a major three influence are usually emotionally immature.  I don’t mean that they are more childlike than most as the majority of humanity has not grown up emotionally.  Threes usually have resisted going through the tough stuff of life which builds emotional strength and maturity.  If life presents an opportunity for you to grow and you refuse to take it you will become stuck, just as surely as if you sit at the side of the road and refuse to walk.  If you spend your time blaming another authority for your experience you never fully move through the experience and garnish the mental and emotional growth to your soul.

So March in a nutshell – Also don’t waste your time of brooding over what you don’t have or what others have.  Give thanks for what you do have and improve upon that.  Notice the opportunities that are before you.  Seize the day, learn and grow.  Personal growth is a process of personal change and life provides the best opportunities for change.  Change is the spice of life.  Personal growth is nourishment for your soul.